Sunday, July 19, 2009

Can Children Get Yeast Infections?

If you are asking the question; Can Children Get Yeast Infections, the answer is yes. Anyone can get a yeast infection and children can get it pretty bad.

A yeast infection in children can spring up pretty fast. One moment there is nothing wrong and the next they have this bad fungus infection.

Most of the time you do not have a choice but to use OTC medicines as it is pretty bad. Afterward when they are better, it is important to try and pinpoint the exact cause of the Candida infection so you can prevent it from happening again.

You will have to look at the child’s diet, not too much sweet stuff, cut out cheese and mushrooms for a while and try and cut out all foods that contain yeast. Make sure your child eat enough vegetables to build a strong immune system.

If it is at all possible, get your child to eat as much unflavored and unsweetened yogurt as possible. Yogurt is really very effective in combating fungus infections.

With little children it is important to teach them good toilet hygiene as that is often a problem. The little ones want to be independent in the toilet and that can sometimes lead to poor toilet hygiene, no fault of yours, of course.

So, to answer your question, Can Children Get Yeast Infections, yes they can. Treat it holistically and you should not have problems again in the future. Natural Cure Yeast Infection is always the best.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Natural Cure Yeast Infection - A Few Lifestyle Changes

Natural Cure Yeast Infection - Can It Work?

Do you wonder about natural cure yeast infection? I know how you feel; I have also suffered from yeast infection a lot. The itching and the burning drive you up the wall. All the medicine only seems to work for a little while! There must be a better way.

This is where natural cure yeast infection comes in. You have to understand where the yeast infection comes from and then address it at that point. Only if you eliminate the source will you find final relief.

Yeast infection is the result of an overgrowth of the Candida fungus. Only when there is an overgrowth do you get the symptoms. So, you have to eliminate the reasons and you will get rid of your yeast infection for good. The ultimate Natural Cure Yeast Infection!

Lifestyle changes you will have to make:

  • Eat less sugar (the fungus loves it and grows on it like mad)
  • Eat unflavored and unsweetened yogurt at least three times a day
  • Avoid all other kinds of food and drink that contains yeast
  • Go slow on refined carbs as it is also food for the Candida fungus

Ok so these are only some of the things you will have to address. It needs to be a holistic approach, addressing all aspects of your life.

You can read more on my site Natural Cure Yeast Infection.