Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What Role Does Vinegar Play In Controlling Yeast Infection?

What Role Does Vinegar Play In Controlling Yeast Infection?

What role does vinegar play in controlling yeast infection, if at all. Well raw apple cider vinegar is good while other kind of vinegar is not good. This is the most important thing to keep in mind when you are thinking about what role vinegar plays in controlling yeast infection. The wrong vinegar can actually make matters worse.

Apple cider vinegar as part of a healthy diet plays a positive role. For any permanent relief of yeast infection you will also have to look at your diet. Only a holistic approach to your problem with yeast will have positive results. The role of the apple cider vinegar is to maintain the correct pH level of your blood to keep the growth of the candida fungus under control.

For a complete article about yeast infection and vinegar have a look at our Ezinearticles Article with the same name.

A holistic approach is the best and therefore it may be a good idea to get an e-book such as Yeast Infection No More. Go and check out Yeast Infection No More Now, Access Is Instant!!

Are you sick and tired of Yeast Infection? You can get rid of it for good. Find out more at on our LensYeast Infection Contagious Do you need more information on how to get rid of that annoying itching? Get the answers when you visit our site Yeast Infection

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Double Check Diagnosis Before You Reach For That Over The Counter Yeast Infection Treatment

So, women… you’ve got itching and burning, and there’s an unsightly discharge in your underwear. You’re probably getting ready to reach for an over the counter yeast infection treatment like Monistat or Vagistat to provide relief to your “yeast infection.”

Wait a minute… how can you be sure that what you have is actually is a yeast infection?

Rule Out The Imposters Before You Reach For The Over The Counter Yeast Infection Treatment

There are other, more serious vaginal issues such as..

Bacterial Vaginosis, and Trichomoniasis - a sexually transmitted disease, that should be ruled out before you settle on a diagnosis of yeast infection… particularly if you are pregnant.

In fact, Bacterial Vaginosis is a far more common diagnosis among women of reproductive age. Both are a result of our body’s pH level being disrupted and causing an imbalance in the bacterial makeup of the vagina.

Bacterial Vaginosis is a result of an overgrowth of bacteria, while Vaginal Candidiasis is an overgrowth of yeast.

Will you be able to tell the difference? Before you reach for the over the counter yeast infection treatment, Read the whole article on Ezinearticles:

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