Sunday, September 27, 2009

Do You Suffer From Yeast? Chronic Yeast Infection Can Be Cured

If you are frequently suffering from yeast, you know that terrible itching and burning that drives you mad. This is bad and the yeast infection never seems to go away at all. Good news! Chronic Candida infection can be cured! It will take a little effort on you side, but with perseverance it can be done. Get rid of it for good with the correct diet.

General diet guidelines:

  • Eat real food, snack of veggies and never skip a meal.
  • Take small bites and chew your food well.
  • Eat a wide variety of the following veggies: green leafy, red, orange, purple, green, yellow, white and roots.
  • Eat veggies raw if possible, juiced at home or steamed.
  • Eat two of the following each day: poultry, eggs and egg products, fish and red meat.
  • Eat your meat steamed. Broiled or baked and not fried, grilled or boiled. Trim of as much fat as possible.
  • Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
  • Drink herbal tea and as little coffee and normal tea as possible.
  • Use salt sparingly.
  • When eating out eat vegetable platters or salads and no fast foods or junk food.
  • Eat natural food, no sugar, sodas, diet sodas, cookies, candy or pastries.
  • Eat fresh meat and vegetables, no packaged, preserved, canned or bottled if at all possible.
  • Try and avoid alcohol as far as possible.
  • In the beginning cut out all wheat and wheat products and stay away from any foods containing yeast.
  • One noted exception is yogurt, eat lots of unflavored and unsweetened yogurt. Use it as salad dressings and as a healthy snack.
  • Stay away from all sugar and sugar products as the fungus just loves it and grows on it like mad.
Now this may sound pretty restrictive, but it is the only way you are going to get rid of the Candida fungus for good. You have to make sure you boost your immune system and give the Candida nothing to grow on. The longer you keep this kind of diet up, the less all your cravings will become. Your body will get used to you eating healthy.

Obviously this is only the beginning, and for real success you should look at all the other things you can do to get rid of your yeast, chronic yeast infection.

Why suffer from yeast, chronic yeast infection? Get rid of your yeast infection for good, have a look at the blog Yeast Infection as well as the site also called Yeast Infection.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Yeast Cause – Your Favorite Food May Be The Culprit - Food Can Be Part Of Natural Cure Yeast Infection

Are you plagued by Yeast? Cause can very often be what you eat. Yes, what is yummy can be the cause of your fungus infection! This is why you should really be thinking about natural cure yeast infection.

Thanks to the yeast in your favorite food you may be paying the price already! Foods such as hamburgers, doughnuts, pizza, bagels and even your daily lunch sandwich can aggravate your Infection.

Even though a diet omitting all these foods is not a good long term, healthy eating plan, omitting them until you have your Candida infection under control is vital. This is the very beginning of a natural cure yeast infection.

Other culprits can be any food containing wheat, any starch for that matter even potatoes and rice. As said before, you cannot eat a healthy balanced diet without any of this in it, but to get rid of your yeast permanently, omitting them for a short while it is vital.

Unfortunately there is more. Alcohol, anything containing brewers yeast and wine is also on the no-no list. Once again the reason is the yeast in it and in the case of alcohol it also has a lot of sugar that is very good "food" for your Candida.

As healthy as fruit is, in the first stages of trying to get rid of your yeast infection, you also have to stay clear of fruit. Fruit is very healthy, but unfortunately it contains a lot of sugar that your fungus infection simply loves!

The problem with the sugar obviously also goes for your favorite soda. To get rid of your yeast infection, you will have to cut it out for a while even permanently if you can. It has no nutritional value and only contains lots of "empty" calories!

It is important to remember that as soon as you have your yeast infection under control, you have to return to a more normal diet. It is not good for your health to eat such a limited variety of health. Your body needs food from all the food groups in order to function properly.

One very notable exception to the list above is yogurt. Yogurt may probably be the best natural cure yeast infection there is! Yogurt contains "good bacteria" that controls the Candida fungus and is very helpful in helping you get rid of it as well as prevention.

The message here is eat lots of unflavored, unsweetened, fresh yogurt. Use yogurt in the place of salad dressings, as an ingredient in dips or as a sauce on your vegetables. The possibilities are endless.

OK, even if the reason for your yeast infection is not what you have been eating it may have been making it worse. So, if you are wondering about "Yeast Cause" looking at what you eat may not be a bad idea. It is also where you have to start with a natural cure yeast infection.

Of course there are many other causes for a yeast infection. I think the most well known one is the use of antibiotic. If you have to use antibiotic it is a good idea to up your yogurt intake to help your body cope.

Another cause that many people do not think about is, walking around in wet swimwear! This is an ideal breeding ground for Candida. After you have a swim, change immediately into dry clothes.

Obviously there are many more reasons. Do visit our site for more on the causes of yeast infection. Go to the site Natural Cure Yeast Infection for all the info you need.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Natural Cure Yeast Infection - Why Should I Consider It

Yeast infection is a pain! This is to say the least. So now you are considering Natural Cure Yeast Infection and you are wondering if you should be.

The answer to this is yes! Yeast Infection is the case of something in your system being out of balance. Medications will help you to get rid of yeast infection at first, but after that you have to get to the root of the problem.

What this says to you is, if you use a natural cure yeast infection, that does not mean you have to absolutely not use any medication. If you are really very ill, then of course, get rid of the yeast infection first and then move on to natural cure yeast infection.

Now it is time to consider your options. Where do you start?

Because yeast infection is the result of your system being out of balance that is where I’ll start. The root of the problem is in your digestive system. So, the very first thing you need to do is follow the correct yeast diet.

A good yeast diet, the starting point of your natural cure yeast infection, starts with lots of yogurt. The yogurt has to be unsweetened, unflavored and must contain no fruit. Eat at least three cup a day.

Then it is also a good idea to say away from all other kinds of food that contains yeast, as you really want to get rid of yeast infection. Stay away from food with a lot of sugar as well as yeast grows on sugar.

So, as you can see, this is only where you start! You can do a lot more as far as natural cure yeast infection goes to get rid of yeast infection for good.

Here are a few more places you can get some good info: