Why is my yeast infection worse after antibiotics? This is question that many people are asking daily. It is a fact you cannot get away from that, antibiotics make a yeast infection worse and if you do not have a yeast infection you will probably get one after you have been on a course of antibiotics.
So if you have a yeast infection and you have been on a course of antibiotics you will be one of those asking the question; “why is my yeast infection worse after antibiotics?” What is more, you will want to know how to
treat yeast infection because of antibiotics.
1. Why is my yeast infection worse after antibiotics?
To be healthy, our bodies need to be in balance. When your body is in balance, the “good” bacteria and fungus keep the Candida fungus under control.
As soon as you use antibiotics, you kill the “good” bacteria with the “bad.” the result is an overgrowth of the Candida Albicans fungus, as the factors that normally keep it under control is not there to do it. This then results in a yeast infection.
So, this then is the reason why a yeast infection is worse after antibiotics.
2. How to treat yeast infection because of antibiotics:
The best way to treat a yeast infection because of antibiotics is to restore the balance in your body. For that you have to take a holistic approach that not only includes your diet but your whole lifestyle.
Make sure you cut out all food that can make a yeast infection worse. Do not eat any food that contains yeast. This means bread, cheese, mushrooms, beer, wine etc. One noted exception is yogurt that will actually help the yeast infection. Yogurt contains the “good” bacteria that help to keep the Candida Albicans under control.
Eat a lot of natural, unflavored and unsweetened yogurt. Try and eat at least three cups a day as long as you still have the yeast infection. You can also soak a tampon in yeast and use it to assist in the process of getting rid of a yeast infection.