Very often yeast infections are self induced and a little care could have prevented them. What you eat, how much you sleep and many other factors can play a role here and will really help you if you are looking at the Prevention Of Yeast Infections.
Then on the other hand, there are factors you cannot control that may give you a yeast infection.
If you get some kind of serious illness and you simply have to go on a course of antibiotics it is very possible that you will get a yeast infection and then you will have to Treat Yeast Infection Because Of Antibiotics.
You have to keep in mind that if you live a healthy lifestyle you will also find that you get ill less frequently and thus also use less antibiotics. This again shows you that a healthy lifestyle can go a very long way to preventing a yeast infection.
So, have a look at Yeast Infection No More and get to know all you need to know about how you can prevent a yeast infection from happening.