1. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Dilute some apple cider vinegar with water, add a little garlic and regularly daub the areas prone to the yeast infection.
2. Yoghurt:
Soak a tampon in yoghurt and place it in the area that has yeast infection. The "good bacteria" in the yoghurt helps to control the yeast infection. This can be repeated once or twice a day.
3. Drink Buttermilk:
Drink at least two glasses of buttermilk a-day, whether you are infected or not. In fact drinking buttermilk and eating yoghurt should always be part of your daily diet.
4. Olive and Grapefruit Seed:
Mix olive leaf extract with grapefruit seed extraction in a glass of water. Drink this as a tonic to cure your Yeast Infection
5. Boric Acid:
Boric Acid is dangerous, if not downright deadly, when taken internally. However, holistic practitioners have discovered that when used in a suppository form - a typical treatment consisting of 600 mg each night for 14 days - boric acid corrects the chemical imbalance in the vagina.
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