Monday, December 29, 2008

Yeast During Pregnancy - Are Women More Prone To Yeast Infections During Pregnancy?

Yeast During Pregnancy - Are Women More Prone To Yeast Infections During Pregnancy?

Unfortunately, Yeast During Pregnancy, is not at all uncommon. It’s no secret that pregnancy makes incredible demands on our bodies. As our bodies change, the level of estrogen increases, resulting in an excessive production of a sugar known as Glycogen in the vagina. As a result, women are more susceptible to vaginal yeast infections during pregnancy - particularly during the second trimester.

Vaginal Infections Result From An Overgrowth Of Fungus

Candida, a fungus that resides rather quietly - and goes along generally unnoticed - within our bodies for more than 80% of us, occasionally becomes agitated when subjected to changes - either internal or external.

When that happens, the Candida rapidly reproduces, overrunning its environment, resulting in a yeast infection. A vaginal yeast infection is caused by a member of the Candida family, known as Vaginal Candidiasis or Monollial Vaginitis.

You may be wondering why we have yeast in our bodies at all. As a defensive measure, to battle “uglies” like E. coli and group B. strep, yeast works together with the good bacteria in our bodies to prevent us from getting sick. That is, until something comes along and upsets the body’s delicate chemical balance that sends the Candida on a rampage.

High Levels Of Estrogen Are Believed to Accelerate Yeast Production

During pregnancy, the increased Glycogen does exactly that, creating an exceptionally fertile environment for the yeast to thrive. Some experts have concluded that the high levels of estrogen as a result of pregnancy may actually accelerate the production of yeast, causing more of it to stick on the vaginal walls. This is one of the reasons for Yeast During Pregnancy.

Yeast generally resides in our mouths and our gastrointestinal tract. So, how does it make its way into the vagina?

Remember when your mother always warned you to wipe from front to back after using the restroom? You may have guessed at the reasons why she said that, but you probably weren’t thinking about Candida or yeast.

However, that’s just one of the ways that Candida can travel to the vagina. Because of the close proximity of the anus to the vagina, Candida can actually travel to the vagina without any assistance at all. So, yeast during pregnancy need not be anything you did wrong.

Do you know how to treat Yeast During Pregnancy? Come get all the answers on our site Yeast Infection.

Visit Now.

Yeast Infection

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Yeast During Pregnancy - Do You think Women Are More Prone To Yeast Infections During Pregnancy?

Yeast During Pregnancy - Do You think Women Are More Prone To Yeast Infections During Pregnancy?

Did you ever wonder whether women are more prone to yeast during pregnancy? Yes, unfortunately Yeast during Pregnancy, is not at all uncommon. It’s no secret that pregnancy makes incredible demands on our bodies. As our bodies change, the level of estrogen increases, resulting in an excessive production of a sugar known as Glycogen in the vagina. As a result, women are more susceptible to vaginal yeast infections during pregnancy - particularly during the second trimester.

1. Vaginal Candida Result From An Overgrowth Of Fungus

Candida, a fungus that resides rather quietly - and goes along generally unnoticed - within our bodies for more than 80% of us, occasionally becomes agitated when subjected to changes - either internal or external.

When that happens, the Candida rapidly reproduces, overrunning its environment, resulting in a yeast infection. A vaginal yeast infection is caused by a member of the Candida family, known as Vaginal Candidiasis or Monollial Vaginitis.

You may be wondering why we have yeast in our bodies at all. As a defensive measure, to battle “uglies” like E. coli and group B. strep, yeast works together with the good bacteria in our bodies to prevent us from getting sick. That is, until something comes along and upsets the body’s delicate chemical balance that sends the Candida on a rampage.

2. High Levels Of Estrogen Are Responsible For Accelerated Yeast Production

During pregnancy, the increased Glycogen does exactly that, creating an exceptionally fertile environment for the yeast to thrive. Some experts have concluded that the high levels of estrogen as a result of pregnancy may actually accelerate the production of yeast, causing more of it to stick on the vaginal walls. This is one of the reasons for Yeast During Pregnancy.

3. Yeast generally resides in our mouths and our gastrointestinal tract. So, how does it make its way into the vagina?

Remember when your mother always warned you to wipe from front to back after using the restroom? You may have guessed at the reasons why she said that, but you probably weren’t thinking about Candida or yeast.

However, that’s just one of the ways that Candida can travel to the vagina. Because of the close proximity of the anus to the vagina, Candida can actually travel to the vagina without any assistance at all. So, yeast during pregnancy need not be anything you did wrong.

Do you know how to treat Yeast During Pregnancy? Come get all the answers on our site Yeast Infection.

Visit Now.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Intestinal Yeast Infection… The Root Of Our Ills

Intestinal Yeast Infection… the root of our ills

What is intestinal yeast infection?

Candida Albicans is a fungus that naturally exists in our gastrointestinal tract and mouths. Occasionally, our bodies can become overrun by Candida, resulting in a yeast infection. We’re most familiar with yeast infections that can be seen externally, but it’s what we can’t see that can most hurt us… the intestinal yeast infection.

As the study of the underlying cause of yeast infections evolve, the medical community is beginning to realize the breadth of just what an overgrowth of Candidiasa is capable of doing.

Intestinal Candida May The Silent Partner Behind Many Of Our Illnesses

Experts have determined that chronic intestinal yeast infection can be found at the basis of many of our ailments, such as chronic infections, chronic fatigue, and allergies.

While many consider an overgrowth of yeast in the intestines to be systemic it is, in fact, not so. Systemic yeast infection is defined as such, when the yeast breaches through the intestinal walls and invades the blood and other organs.

A systemic yeast infection can be very dangerous, and downright life threatening for those with impaired immune systems… infants, people who have cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS. A systemic yeast infection paves the way for opportunistic infections to take hold.

While typical intestinal yeast infections may not pose life-threatening consequences, the toxins that are the by-product of the yeast infection do get absorbed into the blood stream and can proceed to wreak havoc throughout the body.

Symptoms include, but are by no means limited to…

  • Difficulty concentrating,
  • Memory loss,
  • Mood swings,
  • Depression,
  • Chronic fatigue,
  • Joint and muscle aches,
  • Recurrent vaginal or urinary tract infections
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • …and numerous other dilemmas.

What Can You Do About It?

Under the guidance of your physician, you can begin by changing your diet - removing the highly refined carbohydrates and sugars, and increasing your intake of healthy whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Sugars don’t cause yeast infections, but they do create an inviting environment for Candida to thrive.

There is a rising awareness concerning the importance of probiotics. Some probiotics, such as live culture yogurt and yogurt-based products like Danactive, are becoming readily available. Probiotics pump “good” bacteria back into our bodies to battle excess yeast and to bring the body back into its proper chemical balance.

Are you desperate to get rid of your yeast infection? Is intestinal yeast infection making your life a nightmare?

Go To Yeast Infection And Get All The Info You Need!

You Can Also Go To Yeast Infection No More Now! Access Is Instant.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What Role Does Vinegar Play In Controlling Yeast Infection?

What Role Does Vinegar Play In Controlling Yeast Infection?

What role does vinegar play in controlling yeast infection, if at all. Well raw apple cider vinegar is good while other kind of vinegar is not good. This is the most important thing to keep in mind when you are thinking about what role vinegar plays in controlling yeast infection. The wrong vinegar can actually make matters worse.

Apple cider vinegar as part of a healthy diet plays a positive role. For any permanent relief of yeast infection you will also have to look at your diet. Only a holistic approach to your problem with yeast will have positive results. The role of the apple cider vinegar is to maintain the correct pH level of your blood to keep the growth of the candida fungus under control.

For a complete article about yeast infection and vinegar have a look at our Ezinearticles Article with the same name.

A holistic approach is the best and therefore it may be a good idea to get an e-book such as Yeast Infection No More. Go and check out Yeast Infection No More Now, Access Is Instant!!

Are you sick and tired of Yeast Infection? You can get rid of it for good. Find out more at on our LensYeast Infection Contagious Do you need more information on how to get rid of that annoying itching? Get the answers when you visit our site Yeast Infection

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Double Check Diagnosis Before You Reach For That Over The Counter Yeast Infection Treatment

So, women… you’ve got itching and burning, and there’s an unsightly discharge in your underwear. You’re probably getting ready to reach for an over the counter yeast infection treatment like Monistat or Vagistat to provide relief to your “yeast infection.”

Wait a minute… how can you be sure that what you have is actually is a yeast infection?

Rule Out The Imposters Before You Reach For The Over The Counter Yeast Infection Treatment

There are other, more serious vaginal issues such as..

Bacterial Vaginosis, and Trichomoniasis - a sexually transmitted disease, that should be ruled out before you settle on a diagnosis of yeast infection… particularly if you are pregnant.

In fact, Bacterial Vaginosis is a far more common diagnosis among women of reproductive age. Both are a result of our body’s pH level being disrupted and causing an imbalance in the bacterial makeup of the vagina.

Bacterial Vaginosis is a result of an overgrowth of bacteria, while Vaginal Candidiasis is an overgrowth of yeast.

Will you be able to tell the difference? Before you reach for the over the counter yeast infection treatment, Read the whole article on Ezinearticles:

Click Here!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Yeast Cause - Revisit The Cause Of Yeast Infections

Yeast Cause - Revisit The Cause Of Yeast Infections

If you are plagued by the itching and burning of a yeast infection you are definitely wondering what causes yeast and what the symptoms are.

Yeast Cause:

Yeast infection is caused by the over growth of the Candida fungus which is always present in human body. In normal circumstances a normal amount of the Candida or Yeast fungus is present in our bodies and it does not cause any unpleasant symptoms. When an imbalance develops because of various factors, a overgrowth occurs that is responsible fro all the unpleasant symptoms we all know only too well. The imbalance occurs when the "good" bacteria that keeps the Yeast fungus at bay, is killed for some reason and then the overgrowth of yeast occurs.

The general reasons why an imbalance occurs:

  1. First is the biggest culprit, antibiotics. It often happens that you get a yeast infection after you have been on a course of antibiotics. The antibiotics kill the "good" bacteria with the "bad" bacteria. The "good" bacteria keep the growth of Candida in check and if they are not present any more an overgrowth of the yeast fungus is the result.
  2. Stress is another big culprit and its lowers your immunity and causes the outbreak.
  3. Any thing that lowers you immunity is normally responsibility for a Yeast infecton outbreak
  4. Poor nutrition
  5. A big change in your diet
  6. Diabetes
  7. Pregnancy
  8. Contraceptives
  9. Steroids (often found in antibiotics)
  10. Clothing that is too tight, non-cotton, dirty (traps heat and moisture)

This should answer to Yeast Cause and now you need to find out how to get rid of this yeast infection for good.

Warning: Yeast can make you very ill! Find out how to get rid of your yeast infection for good. Visit our site Yeast Infection or Go to the amazing e-book Yeast Infection No More™

Yeast Infection

Yeast Infection No More™

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Yeast Infection No More Book Review

Yeast Infection No More Book Review

Why Is The Yeast Infection No More Book The Best Selling Candida Book On The Internet?

Why does this e-book have thousands of satisfied yeast infection free users in many countries worldwide?

This e-book is a best seller for quite a few reasons, but here are a few of my own:

1. What I see as the most important quality of the yeast infection no more e-book is that it's not just a "yeast infection relief" program; it's a candida cure program. Linda Allen, a certified nutritionist and health consultant shows you how to get rid of your yeast infection permanently with a holistic approach.

This program is not a "quick fix" and takes some perseverance. But, by following Linda Allen's advice, and making the lifestyle changes necessary to achieve candida freedom, you can get rid of yeast infection for good.

2. Linda Allen is a certified nutritionist and a health consultant. It is clear from the very beginning that this is not just another yeast infection relief e-book. This e-book is a holistic approach to helping you cure your yeast infection and get rid of it for good.

3. The Yeast Infection No More Book shows you exactly why you should fix the internal problem that's causing your yeast infection. Yeast Infection No More shows you that it is no good simply masking the symptoms or getting temporary relief from your symptoms. Then Linda Allen continues to show you exactly how to do it.

4. Yeast Infection No More thoroughly discusses the lies, myths and fallacies surrounding a very confusing subject. It is a detailed book about yeast infection, and a holistic health approach.

5. The e-book discusses in great detail each and every element required to achieve permanent freedom from candida albicans related symptoms. Once again that holistic approach and showing why there is no "quick fix."

6. Another big plus point to me is that it shows you how to achieve a cure naturally. You do it without drugs, creams or "magic potions." You achieve it by simply using the clinically proven, scientifically-accurate step by step method found inside this excellent yeast infection freedom guidebook.

7. The Yeast Infection No More Book is quite extensive (150 pages of rock solid content) which focuses on 100% natural yeast infection treatment. This means that there is no recommendation for any harsh prescription drugs with nasty side effects.

8. In the yeast infection No More core formula section (The 5 step system) - Linda keeps nothing back. In this section she gives a detailed overview of each step. After this she goes into the specifics in chronological order.

9. There are very good charts and checklists which make it very easy to know where you are at in the program. This makes following the program very easy.

Now for the drawback:

Yeast Infection No More Book contains a lot of information. For someone that is not a big reader it may be a little bit of a challenge. It does take a little perseverance to get through it. However, it is well worth the effort because you can rest assured that you will cure your yeast infection permanently following Linda Allen's holistic approach.

Who will benefit most from Yeast Infection No More Book?

This is a very easy question to answer, in my opinion any one that has ever suffered from Candida related symptoms. Anyone that wants to restore the balance in their bodies will gain from this program. Even people without yeast infection will benefit from this program. This is a total health rejuvenation program, and in my opinion, better than most of the nutrition and alternative health books on the market.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a quick fix, this is not for you. On the other hand if you are serious and you really want to get rid of yeast infection for good, the Yeast Infection No More Book is for you.

Go To Yeast Infection No More Now And Have A Look! Visit The Yeast Infection No More Book at:

If you are looking for more information about Yeast Infections you can visit Yeast Infection.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Intestinal Yeast Infection… the root of our ills

Intestinal Yeast Infection… the root of our ills

What is intestinal yeast infection?

The kind of yeast infection most of us are aware of is an external yeast infection that we can see. The kind of yeast infection that can do the most harm, though is the one we cannot see, an intestinal yeast infection.

Intestinal Candida May The Silent Partner Behind Many Of Our Illnesses

As research is showing more and more these days, intestinal yeast can be the cause of many illnesses plaguing modern man. Illnesses like chronic infections, chronic fatigue, and allergies. If untreated intestinal yeast infection can turn into systemic yeast infection and that can be very dangerous.

Symptoms include, but are by no means limited to…

Chronic fatigue, memory loss and many other very unpleasant symptoms.

Ignoring an intestinal yeast infection, as you can see, is not a good idea.

Discover more! Read the complete article named: Intestinal Yeast Infection… the root of our ills