Do You Have Yeast? Cause Of A Yeast Infection.
We all know that horrible itching and burning of Yeast! Cause is the overgrowth of the fungus Candida Albicans. There are many things that can cause this overgrowth.
Most common causes of a Candida Albicans overgrowth:
- A very common cause is an immune system that is simply run down. Anything that lowers the immune system can lead to a yeast infection.
- Poor nutrition can also result in a Candida overgrowth, so can a sudden big change in your diet.
- The one we all know very well, of course, is antibiotics. Antibiotics kill the "good" bacteria that keep Candida Albicans under control, with the "bad" bacteria.
- Because diabetes also lowers the immune system, it can also be the cause of a yeast infection.
- Pregnancy is unfortunately also a cause of yeast infection because it upsets the delicate chemical balance of the body.
- For the same reasons as above menopause can also be a problem.
- Contraceptives can cause Candida for the same reasons as pregnancy.
- Steroids also upset the chemical balance of the body and it is often found in antibiotics making the bad effects of the antibiotics even worse.
- Clothing that is too tight, non-cotton, dirty or wet (traps heat and moisture)
- Another very big culprit is chemicals. These "foam-baths" we love soaking in, colored soaps, hygiene soaps etc. all are very common causes.
- Sexual transmission is unfortunately also very often a culprit. This does not mean that yeast infection is a STD of course; it is simply that because of the contact. This can mean that partners infect each other over and over again.
How do you get rid of it?
- The best place to start is by trying to determine the cause. If you are simply run down, try eating better and resting more.
- The same goes if you know you are not eating well. Try and include natural yoghurt in your diet everyday. You can also get very good OTC probiotics and prebiotics that can assist your body. Try and get a supplement that has at least nine strains of pro- and prebiotics.
- Sometimes taking antibiotics are essential for health reasons. Make sure that while you are taking the antibiotics you increase your consumption of yoghurt and that you take a supplement as above.
- Of course the same goes for pregnancy, menopause, steroids, contraceptives and diabetes.
- Make sure you always wear lose baths and only use white and gentle soap.
- Make sure you and your partner treat the infection simultaneously.
As you can see, if you have yeast, cause can help you to know what action to take. Do not delay! Chronic yeast infection can have very serious health implications.
Warning: if used incorrectly Over The Counter Yeast Infection Treatment can make things worse if you make a mistake. Visit Magriet's site for more on Getting Rid Of Yeast Infection to be on the safe side. Go to: Yeast Infecton
Get rid of Yeast Infection Now! Go to Yeast Infection No More Now!
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