Home Yeast Infection Remedy
If you are plagued by the horrible itching and burning and you hate going to the doctor, you are probably wondering if there is a home yeast infection remedy. This question can be answered in many ways; it all depends on what you mean by home remedies.
To really get rid of a yeast infection permanently you have to take a holistic approach. You have to look at your whole lifestyle, what you eat, what you wear and even the soap you wash with. It is no good latching on to one thing hoping it is the answer to your question. Only by eliminating all possible causes such as too tight fitting clothing, synthetic underwear and colored perfumed soaps as well as eating the correct diet, will you have any lasting relief.
The correct diet is a little more difficult. Try and cut out sugar as far as possible as the yeast just loves it! Avoid any baked stuff with yeast, such as bread. Try and eat lots of unflavored, unsweetened yoghurt to help the "good" bacteria and make life more difficult for the Candida virus.
As far as your lifestyle goes, try and get enough sleep and avoid any unnecessary stress. You have to build up your immune system as a depleted immune system hampers the body's capability to deal with the yeast.
The above should make it clear that a real "Home Yeast Infection Remedy" is a holistic approach.
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If you want more information about yeast infections, visit our site Yeast Infection.
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