Yeast Infection, Women Are More Prone
We all know the awful itching and burning of Yeast Infection. Women are more prone to yeast infection under certain circumstances.
Here are the factors that can make you more prone to yeast infection, women:
- Pregnancy
- Diabetes
- Malnutrition (common in western fast food diets)
- A high carbohydrate diet
- Physical or chemical stress
- Chronic fatigue
- The pressure of multiple diseases or infections
- The use of hormone medications or antibiotics
- The use of vaginal deodorants
- The use of antiseptic and colored soap
- Non-cotton and tight fitting underwear
- Douching
- Your menstrual cycle
- Physiological factors such as stress
- Childbirth
- Vaginal cuts and abrasions
- Excessive sexual intercourse
- Intercourse without enough lubrication
- The prolonged wearing of wet bathing suit
The good news is, you can get rid of yeast infection permanently. Yeast infection, women, can be solved. Go to: Yeast Infection No More™ Now. Access Is Instant, you can get rid of your yeast infection within 12 hours.
For more information about yeast infections, visit our site: Yeast Infection.
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