Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Boric Acid Yeast Treatment

Are you wondering about a Boric Acid Yeast Treatment? Well it can work. Boric acid will get rid of the yeast infection. You have to be careful though, as boric acid is poisonous and you have to work with it in a very careful way and make sure you wash your hand properly afterward.

A boric acid yeast treatment is best used as a suppository for a vaginal yeast infection. Alternatively you can soak a tampon in a strong boric acid solution and then use it. For a skin yeast infection I will not recommend a boric acid treatment because it is too easy for contamination to take place.

To be quite honest with you, I think there are enough other healthy and totally safe ways to get rid of a yeast infection and it is totally unnecessary to use this dangerous option or using a boric acid yeast treatment.

I always feel that yogurt is the perfect yeast infection treatment. It is healthy and it is natural. Eat it, use it as an ointment or soak a tampon in it. All these ways will give you quick relief for a yeast infection. Once you are rid of the yeast infection you can look at a natural cure yeast infection to get rid of the yeast infection for good.

So, yes there is a boric acid yeast treatment, but I do not recommend it. Go to Natural Cure Yeast Infection for more and better options to a boric acid yeast treatment.

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